American Highlander Army Kilt Package features American Highlander, Premium, Pure Wool Men's US Army Tartan Kilt, Black Leather Army Shield Sporran & Sporran Chain Strap Plus a Black Military Rifle Kilt Pin. This gorgeous US Army Premium Plaid Kilt is perfect for formal wear yet durable enough to be worn every day and is of such a hiqh quality that it is on the par with kilts that cost hundreds of dollars more.
Everything you need to be traditionally kilted without someone holding your wallet, but wait there's more. Turn your already quailty US Army Tartan Kilt Package With Green Hoses, US Army Flashes (Yellow Flashes Substitute if Army unavailable) and US Army Buckle and Belt (Valued at $75) for at $50 more. Thats a $350 set for only $250.
US Army Tartan Kilt Package
Dry Clean Only
Most men need to choose a kilt size at least one size bigger than their jeans or pants waist size. If you are unsure, measure yourself at the natural waist, at belly button height.